
Telepsychiatry: Implications for Psychiatrist Burnout and Well-being

Written by Dr. Hossam Mahmoud | Feb 28, 2019 10:21:00 PM


Physician burnout and stress have reached alarming levels. Psychiatrists are at risk of experiencing burnout due to emotional stressors related to the nature of the clinical work, occupational hazards, changing nature of service delivery, and increasing administrative pressures. Currently, little is known about the impact of telepsychiatry on psychiatrist well-being and burnout. This Open Forum examines potential benefits and challenges of telepsychiatry with regard to psychiatrist stress and burnout. It also discusses the broader implications of telepsychiatry for psychiatrist well-being.

Emily L. Vogt, B.A., Hossam Mahmoud, M.D., M.P.H., Omar Elhaj, M.D., "Telepsychiatry: Implications for Psychiatrist Burnout and Well-being" Psychiatry Online

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