Building a strong care team to support community mental health is a top priority for Forest County Potawatomi. By turning to Regroup telepsychiatry, the community has overcome geographic and cultural barriers to make that vision a reality.
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Case Study | Potawatomi Tribal Community & Unique Patient Needs
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While the approaches to promoting mental health are as varied as the conditions treated, telemedicine is transforming how providers across the spectrum care for patients. Whether patients receive treatment from their community health center, primary care physician (PCP) or in specialized settings, like corrections, telepsychiatry is a proven way to care for patients with a variety of mental health needs.
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Case Study | Oak Street Health Supports High-Quality Healthcare
Hospitals Can Use Telepsych To Offer More Mental Health Services
The yoga sessions and health bingo nights you’ll find at an Oak Street Health center are the first sign that it’s not your typical healthcare facility. With a mission to “rebuild healthcare as it should be,” the network of primary care practices for Medicare patients focuses on caring for the whole person to keep patients healthy and promote their well-being.
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[Ask Regroup]: Chelsea Greenbaum, Director of Clinical Deployments
Implementing a telepsychiatry program can help healthcare organizations eliminate many obstacles common in providing mental health treatment, from overcoming geographic barriers to reducing costs by allowing facilities to choose the right level of care. For organizations that are new to telepsych, however, rolling out a program often comes with many questions. Here, Regroup’s Director of Clinical Deployments, Chelsea Greenbaum, answers common questions about getting started with a telepsychiatry partner and how Regroup guides its partners through the deployment process.
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Webinar | Telepsych and Self Care: Potential Challenges and Opps
Join Regroup as we discuss the challenges that mental health clinicians currently face when it comes to burnout and well-being, and approaches to enhance self-care. Our Medical Director, Dr. Hossam Mahmoud and Senior Consulting Psychiatrist, Dr. Omar Elhaj will discuss how telepsychiatry can be incorporated in a manner that can support clinician well-being and mitigate some of the factors that contribute to stress and burnout.
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3 Keys to Building Rapport with Patients When Providing Telehealth
Whether providing telehealth online or seeing patients in person, clinicians need to make strong patient relationships a priority. Long believed to be true, a 2014 report offered clear evidence that trusting relationships between clinicians and patients lead to better treatment outcomes. In fact, the report stated that efforts to improve the patient-clinician relationship “can produce health effects just as beneficial as taking a daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack.”
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Occasionally, even great ideas – like telepsych – take a while to gain popularity. Though the practice has been around for six decades, its usage has grown recently as telepsychiatry technology has evolved to provide better access and quality. The last few years have seen significant increase in the rates at which healthcare providers and patients are using telepsychiatry services with positive results.
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Telepsych services are transforming access to care for the nearly 90 million Americans living in mental health care professional shortage areas, according to the Health Resources & Services Administration. Many of these underserved Americans are in rural areas, where poverty, unemployment, and accidents and natural disasters are more prevalent.
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Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti toured The Josselyn Center on Friday, May 18th, as part of her new state task force to develop a comprehensive tele-medicine strategy for the Medicaid program to help improve access to healthcare. The Josselyn Center's tele-psychiatry program helps bridge the gap to this scarce resource.
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Throughout his career, Dr. Jorel Martinez has combined both his medical and cultural expertise to serve the Spanish-speaking community’s health needs. He spent time before medical school breaking down language barriers as an interpreter for the National Institutes of Health, and his bilingual abilities helped him provide the most effective care as a psychiatry resident at the University of Chicago.
Today, Martinez works as a telepsychiatrist with Regroup, serving patients at two clinics focused on providing behavioral health services to lower-income communities, Oak Street Health and Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C4). Forty percent of the patients Martinez sees are Spanish speakers, and this bilingual and bicultural psychiatrist is just the doctor they want – and need – to see on the screen.
Tags: Regroup Blog