The societal burden of mental illness is significant and measurable. There is an urgent need to enhance access to mental health services, particularly in rural areas. OSF Healthcare and Regroup discussed this topic during a webinar that aired live on March, 16th at 10:00am.
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Telepsychiatry: an Innovative Approach to Addressing the Opioid Crisis
Telepsychiatry: an Innovative Approach to Addressing the Opioid Crisis
Tags: Publications
The need for mental health treatment is on the rise across the United States. The societal burden associated with mental illness is staggering, with significant loss of life, loss of productivity, financial costs, and medical comorbidities. Therefore, increasing access to healthcare services relates not only to healthcare equity but also to economic considerations and to societal wellbeing. Nowhere is this more pervasive than in the U.S. correctional setting.
Tags: Regroup Webinars
Former President of Teladoc Behavioral Health joins Regroup
Regroup is pleased to announce and welcome Julian Cohen as Chief of Quality and Clinician Services. Cohen will be responsible for the Quality program, Clinician Services, Physician Recruiting, and Licensure/Credentialing.
Tags: Regroup in the News
Dr. Mahmoud Receives Award from the Illinois Psychiatric Society
Illinois Psychiatric Society Represents over 1000 Psychiatrists
Dr. Hossam Mahmoud, Medical Director at Regroup, was presented with the prestigious 2018 Member of the Year Award by the Illinois Psychiatric Society at its Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on January 27th at the University Club of Chicago. The Illinois Psychiatric Society (IPS), founded in 1938, is the state branch of the American Psychiatric Association. Representing over 1000 Illinois psychiatrists, the mission of IPS is to advocate for the highest quality care for patients with psychiatric and substance use disorders.
Tags: Regroup in the News
Enhancing Telemental Health for Rural and Remote Communities
The prevalence of mental illness and the need to expand mental health services have been recognized for many years.
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Textbook economics teaches that, in a free market, supply rises to meet demand until price reaches an equilibrium. When it comes to mental health services, though, the supply of psychiatrists is declining despite widespread need, resulting in patients not getting treatment in a timely manner.
Tags: Regroup in the News
Expanding Telepsychiatry to Combat the Opioid Crisis
The United States has been experiencing an “opioid epidemic” of crippling magnitude that has led the Government on October 26, 2017 to declare the opioid crisis “a public health emergency.”
Tags: Publications
Healthcare Startups Are Attracting The Most VC $ In The Midwest
In the first three quarters of 2017, four of the Midwest’s five largest deals involved healthcare tech companies. Together, these four deals brought in $870M in investment and amounted to a collective valuation of $7.1B.
Tags: Regroup in the News
"The winners each year are innovations that uniquely fill unmet needs, spark a competitive response in the marketplace, exceed market expectations, achieve financial success, and improve people’s lives."
Tags: Regroup in the News